Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why do I have to call (or text) the office to schedule instead of booking online?
A. We receive hundreds of requests for lessons each month from several parts of San Diego County. Our goal is to provide timely service to each Student. To fit everyone in, our Office staff carefully considers the address when reviewing each lesson opening, looking at the Instructor's location before and after each lesson and the drive time to get there. This keeps our Instructors' schedules efficient, enabling us to serve you better than going to random locations from online booking. Also, our staff can make sure that you know what to bring and expect in the lesson and gather important information like gate codes or pick-up details.


Q. What are the steps involved for a teenager to get a California Drivers License?
A. California has a specific sequence of steps for new drivers under 18. You can find the latest information at

  1. The first step is to enroll in Drivers Education at or after 15 years and 4 months. Drivers Education is offered online for convenient home study (contact our Office for online program details). New drivers over 17 ½ may obtain an Instruction Permit without taking Drivers Education, but have to wait until 18 years old to do their drive test to get their license.
  2. When Drivers Education is finished, a DMV Certificate of Completion is issued by mail, or may be picked up in La Mesa with prior arrangements made.
  3. When a Student is at least 15 ½ and has the DMV Certificate, they may take the 46-question written test at any DMV. Proof of identification and a vision test are required, and a photograph and thumb print will be taken at this time. Students get 3 chances to pass the written test, with a minimum 1-week period between attempts. The most efficient way to prepare is to go to and click on My DMV to set up an account and upload documents. Some DMV locations are offering an at-home online test option to take the knowledge test. You STILL have to visit the DMV office once you pass the test so they can do the photo, eye test, and fingerprinting to issue your actual Permit. Your online test result is NOT a Permit.
  4. Successfully passing the written test and paying a DMV fee provides the Student with an Instruction (Learner's) Permit, which is valid for 1 year after the date of your first attempt to pass the test. If you wait or take longer than 6 months to pass the test, after your original attempt, your Permit will expire prior to the required 6 months before taking the drive test. If your Permit expires, you'll need to take the knowledge test again to extend the Permit and continue driving.
  5. The Instruction Permit must be validated by a licensed Instructor after the first 2-hour driving lesson. DRIVING IS NOT PERMITTED (except with an Instructor) UNTIL THE FIRST BEHIND-THE-WHEEL LESSON IS COMPLETED.
  6. After the Instruction Permit is validated, the Student may drive with any California-licensed driver over age 25 who is in the front passenger seat and alert.
  7. The Instruction Permit must be used for a minimum of 6 months. In that period, the Student must receive 6 hours of professional instruction (three 2-hour lessons) PLUS 50 hours of driving practice with parents or guardians, including 10 hours at night.
  8. After 6 hours of instruction are finished, a DMV Certificate of Completion of Behind-the-Wheel Training will be issued. (NOTE: New drivers over 17 ½ may obtain an Instruction Permit without taking Drivers Education or Drivers Training but must use that Permit for at least 6 months and may not get a driver's license before age 18).
  9. The Student may take the DMV Driving Test for a Driver's License after (1) their 16th birthday, (2) having their Instruction Permit for at least 6 months, and (3) the Certificate of Completion has been issued. An appointment is required for the Driving Test and may be made by phone or online. The Student has 3 chances to pass the Driving Test, waiting a minimum of 2 weeks between attempts.
  10. After successfully passing the Driving Test, a Provisional Driver's License will be issued to new drivers under age 18. This license restricts drivers from being on the road from 11pm-5am and from having passengers under age 20 (except for family members driven to or from school) unless there is a licensed driver 25 or older in the front passenger seat. The Provisional status is released after one year or when the Student turns 18.

Q. How long must I use my Instruction (Learner's) Permit if I am under 18?
A. You must maintain your Learner's Permit for a minimum of 6 months or until you turn 18.

Q. How old must I be to start taking Drivers Education?
A. We recommend enrolling no earlier than 15 years and 4 months. However, legally there is no minimum age requirement for the Driver's Education portion of the course. The online course we offer allows 61 days to complete the course. and you can purchase more time if you're close to or at the expiration date. There is a button to click on the opening page of the program which will allow 31 more days for a fee. This can be done as often as needed.

Q. How old must I be to apply for a Learner's Permit to begin driving?
A. Minimum age is 15 ½ if you enroll in a professional Driving School or 17 ½ if you don't.

Q. What are the restrictions or provisions put on my Learner's Permit?
A. New drivers under 18 may only drive with a licensed California driver 25 years of age or older in the front right seat. You must have your parents' permission to drive with the Permit. Any alcohol in your system will result in Permit suspension. Possession of weapons, dropping out of school, having an at-fault accident or being convicted of vandalism will result in a Permit suspension.

Q. When I apply for my Learner's Permit at the DMV, what do I need to take with me?
A. The applicaton process on My DMV will guide you through the necessary steps. Otherwise, you can bring an Application signed by your parents, the DMV fee (cash or check), your Social Security Number, a certified copy of your birth certificate, two documents proving your residential address, and certificates (from a Driving School) of completion of Driver's Education.

Q. What type of tests do the DMV require you to take to get your Learner's Permit?
A. A 46-question written test (you may not miss more than 8), plus two vision tests.

Q. Is it possible to obtain a Learner's Permit without taking Driver's Education?
A. You may apply for an Instruction Permit at the age of 17 ½ or older, but you will not be eligible for a license until you either take a Driver's Education course, or turn 18 years of age.

Q. Do I have to apply for my Learner's Permit at the DMV closest to my house?
A. You may apply for a Learner's Permit at any DMV in the State of California. Making an appointment will save you time but is not required.

Q. How many questions are you asked on your Learner's Permit written test?
A. 46 multiple-choice questions on California laws and signs, and you cannot miss more than 8. If you do, you must wait one week before taking another test. You have 3 opportunities to pass the test; otherwise another fee must be paid to DMV.

Q. What's the best source of study material to prepare for the Learner's Permit test?
A. California Driver Handbook (available at DMV and online).

Q. When I obtain my Learner's Permit, is it legal for me to begin driving right away?
A. NO. Before driving, you must first take one driving lesson with a professional driving instructor. The Instructor's signature after this lesson validates your permit to drive with a California-licensed driver 25 or older in the front passenger seat.

Q. Do my parents or guardian always have to be with me when I drive?
A. You may drive with anyone who is 25 years of age or older who has a valid California license, but only with your parents' permission.

Q. How long is my Learner's Permit valid?
A. One year from the first time you went to DMV and took your written test. If you don&apot pass the first time, go back and take the test again because that time already counts! It may be extended for a longer period by re-taking the test and paying a fee at the DMV.

Q. Is it OK to drive with my Learner's Permit in another state?
A. Maybe. In most cases it you are permitted to drive in other states as long as you have someone with you 25 years of age or older with a valid California license. However, to be sure, you should check the driving rules in each state you wish to drive in.

Q. With my Learner's Permit may I drive with my friends in the car?
A. Yes, but only if you have someone with you who is 25 years of age or older with a valid California driver's license riding in the front passenger seat.

Q. Do I always have to carry my Learner's Permit?
A. You must have your Permit with you only when you are actually driving.

Q. If I fail my Learner's Permit test, do I have to pay the fee again?
A. No, you are entitled to three tries, but you must wait one week between attempts.

Q. If I lose my Learner's Permit, will I have to pay for a new one?
A. You may obtain a copy from your local DMV at no extra charge.

Q. With my Learner's Permit there is an additional form which requires someone to sign verifying that I have had 50 hours of practice driving time. Who has to sign it?
A. Your parents or whoever actually gave you the 50 hours of practice time; not the driving instructor who gave you 6 hours of required Behind-the-Wheel training.

Q. Is it OK to drive with a Learner's Permit after dark?
A. You may drive anytime day or night as long as you have a licensed driver 25 years of age or older with you riding in the front seat (and awake).

Q. When I'm driving with a Learner's Permit, does the licensed driver supervising me have any rules or restrictions?
A. The California-licensed driver must be in the front seat of the vehicle, sober and awake, and able to control the car in an emergency.

Q. May I ride a motorcycle or motor scooter on a public surface street with my Class C Learner's Permit?
A. It is illegal to ride a motorcycle, even in a parking lot, without a motorcycle Learner's Permit or license (a separate process from Class C motor vehicles). If you do, you may be cited and have your motorcycle impounded. (Private or gated property does not apply).

Q. May I take my Behind-the-Wheel driving lessons in my family's car?
A. NO. All 6 hours of actual driving lessons must be provided by a licensed driving instructor in a DMV-approved training vehicle with dual brakes and mirrors. You may get driving practice in your family car with a California-licensed driver over 25.

Q. If I am stopped by a police officer, who gets the ticket, me or the supervising party?
A. YOU. The DRIVER of any vehicle is the captain of the ship and is completely responsible for anything that happens.

Q. If my Learner's Permit expires, do I have to retake the Driver's Education course?
A. No, but you will be required to submit a new application, pay a fee, and retake and pass the written and vision tests.

Q. With a Learner's Permit, is it legal to drive a large truck or motorhome?
A. Yes, but only up to 26,000 gross vehicle weight, not for hire and non air brake vehicles. And supervised by a licensed driver.

Q. May I drive anybody's vehicle as long as I have someone with me who is 25 years of age with a valid California license?
A. MAYBE. First, you must have your parent's permission and the vehicle owner's permission to drive the vehicle. Second, the vehicle must be currently insured, the vehicle must be under 26,000 pounds and not have air brakes.


Q. After I pass my DMV Driving Test, will I get a full California Driver's License?
A. No. Newly licensed drivers under age 18 are issued a Provisional Driver's License with restrictions.

Q. May I drive with anyone in the car when I have a Provisional Driver's License?
A. No. While you are free to drive alone, you may NOT drive with passengers under age 20 UNLESS there is a California-licensed driver 25 or older in the front passenger seat (same as with a Learner's Permit). DMV makes an exception to allow you to drive with passengers under 20 who are direct family members (brothers or sisters).

Q. May I drive at any time of day with a Provisional Driver's License?
A. No. You may not drive between the hours of 11 pm and 5 am UNLESS a California-licensed driver 25 or older is in the front passenger seat (same as with a Learner's Permit). DMV makes an exception if you must drive to or from work or school or a doctor appointment during these hours, but you must have written documentation to verify it.

Q. Are there any other restrictions that come with a Provisional Driver's License?
A. Yes. Traffic violations or at-fault accidents could cause your license to be suspended. You must be enrolled in school if you haven't graduated or have a GED. Dropouts or truant students may have their license suspended. Any conviction for using alcohol or drugs will cause a License suspension. Parents may also withdraw permission to drive and notify DMV (parents have financial responsibility for their children until they reach age 18, so they have the right to take away a Driver's License if they feel it causes them extra financial risk).

Q. May I drive any type of vehicle with a Provisional Driver's License?
A. You may drive any type of passenger vehicle that qualifies as Class C (under 26,000 lb GVW) within the restrictions above.

Q. Why does DMV create these restrictions for a Provisional Driver's License?
A. California is trying to reduce teen driving accidents and highway deaths. Driving is a new skill that requires full attention and time to develop. More than half of teens killed in auto accidents had another teen in the car with them. The majority of fatal accidents occur at night. Driving must be taken seriously, and the possibility of losing that privilege helps drivers to stay serious, be more responsible and mature, and to drive safely.

Q. How long does the Provisional Driver's License status last?
A. The Provisional status is lifted after one year or when the driver turns 18 years of age, whichever occurs first.

Q. After the Provisional period is over, will DMV send me a standard Driver's License?
A. No. The period is based on the issued date on your license. You may go to DMV to have your Driver's License re-issued in the standard form for a fee. After you are 18 or your Provisional Driver's License is more than a year old, you may keep the Provisional Driver's License but use it as a standard license without restrictions.


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